How to wear your Uniform Instructions & Tips
This page and the ones linked to it are here to help our cadets in maintain there uniforms with Instructions, helpful hints and videos.
All information given following CJCR Dress instructions which is provided here.
Click on the links below to take you to a spastic uniform section and below is information about clothing accessories.
All information given following CJCR Dress instructions which is provided here.
Click on the links below to take you to a spastic uniform section and below is information about clothing accessories.
Clothing Accessories
Backpacks: Civilian backpacks of a conservative pattern may be either carried in the left hand or worn suspended from both shoulders and square on the back.
Civilian Clothing: Other than those specific items listed, civilian clothing shall not be worn combined with the cadet uniform. This includes, but is not limited to, civilian jackets and hats.
Eyeglasses and sunglasses: Conservative designs and colours may be worn when needed. Sunglasses with mirrored lenses are not allowed.
Make-up: Female cadets are authorized to wear a minimal amount of make-up when in uniform. False eyelashes, heavy eyeliner, brightly coloured eye shadow or lipstick, coloured nail polish, or excessive facial make-up are not allowed.
Tattoos: Cadets shall not acquire visible tattoos that could be deemed to be offensive (e.g. sexually explicit or suggestive, blasphemous, racist, sexist or homophobic, etc.) or otherwise reflect discredit on the Canadian Cadet Organisation. Cadets in uniform should also refrain from drawing temporary markings on their skin, including reminder notes, etc.
Undergarments: Are required to be worn at all times when in uniform. Brassieres, for female cadets, shall be worn under all uniforms and shall be of an appropriate colour so as not to be visible through the uniform. Undershirts may be worn as long as they are not visible.
Jewellery: Only a wristwatch, medical alert bracelet, and a maximum of one ring per hand (not costume) may be worn. In addition, female cadets may wear a single pair of plain gold, silver, or white pearl stud earrings in the center of each pierced earlobe. The studs shall be spherical in shape and not exceed 0.6 cm in diameter. Clear, colourless spacers may also be worn while ears are healing after a piercing. No other piercings (including tongue) may be worn at any time. Male cadets are not authorized to wear any piercings (including earrings).
Civilian Clothing: Other than those specific items listed, civilian clothing shall not be worn combined with the cadet uniform. This includes, but is not limited to, civilian jackets and hats.
Eyeglasses and sunglasses: Conservative designs and colours may be worn when needed. Sunglasses with mirrored lenses are not allowed.
Make-up: Female cadets are authorized to wear a minimal amount of make-up when in uniform. False eyelashes, heavy eyeliner, brightly coloured eye shadow or lipstick, coloured nail polish, or excessive facial make-up are not allowed.
Tattoos: Cadets shall not acquire visible tattoos that could be deemed to be offensive (e.g. sexually explicit or suggestive, blasphemous, racist, sexist or homophobic, etc.) or otherwise reflect discredit on the Canadian Cadet Organisation. Cadets in uniform should also refrain from drawing temporary markings on their skin, including reminder notes, etc.
Undergarments: Are required to be worn at all times when in uniform. Brassieres, for female cadets, shall be worn under all uniforms and shall be of an appropriate colour so as not to be visible through the uniform. Undershirts may be worn as long as they are not visible.
Jewellery: Only a wristwatch, medical alert bracelet, and a maximum of one ring per hand (not costume) may be worn. In addition, female cadets may wear a single pair of plain gold, silver, or white pearl stud earrings in the center of each pierced earlobe. The studs shall be spherical in shape and not exceed 0.6 cm in diameter. Clear, colourless spacers may also be worn while ears are healing after a piercing. No other piercings (including tongue) may be worn at any time. Male cadets are not authorized to wear any piercings (including earrings).