A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Admin - Administration
AdminO - Administration Officer
Adj - Adjutant - a cadet parade position not a rank
AC - Air cadet
Bush Ex - Bush exercise - Survival Training (not always in the bush)
Capt - Captain
CO - Commanding Officer
Cpl - Corporal - cadet rank
CI - Civilian Instructor
CIV - Civilian Volunteer
CHAP - Cadet Harassment and Abuse Prevention program
CMDR - Commander
CATO - Cadet Administrative and Training Orders
DND - Department of National Defense
Dress - the clothing type worn by cadets - such as full, civilian, summer, ceremonial and combat. Full dress is the complete uniform.
ETA - Estimated time of arrival
EO: - Enabling Objective
F/Cpl - Flight Corporal - Cadet NCO rank
F/Sgt - Flight Sergeant - Senior Cadet NCO rank
Flt - Flight (refers to the parade groups of Griffon, Phoenix or Band)
Flt Comd - Flight Commander - Cadet parade position (Not associated with individual rank)
Flt Sgt - Flight Sergeant - Cadet parade position (Not associated with individual rank)
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time - the Greenwich meridian is the accepted time reference.
HQ - headquarters
Hrs - hours - as in 1400hrs or 2pm
2IC - second in command
IMP - Individual Meal Packet - full meal in a bag, main portion is a boil-in-the bag entree.
LT - Lieutenant
2LT - Second Lieutenant
LHQ - Local headquarters - or local cadet offices
LAC - Leading Air Cadet - a cadet rank
MRO - Monthly Routine Orders
NLT - No later than
NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer - cadets ie: Sgt; FSgt; WOII; WOI
OCdt - Officer Cadet - lowest ranking officer
OIC - Officer in Charge - refers to officer responsible for an event OPI - Office of Prime Importance - Sometimes used in place of OIC or OIC Ex
Pra - prairie - as in Prairie Region
PRCI's - Prairie Region Cadet Instructions
PMV - Personal Motor Vehicle
PO: - Performance Objective
PO: EO: - Performance Objective / Enabling Objective
RO - Range Officer
RSO - Range Safety Officer
RCAC - Royal Canadian Air Cadets
Sgt - Sergeant - cadet NCO rank
Sqn Comd - Squadron Commander - the Senior most cadet in the squadron assigned to the top parade position
SupO - Supply Officer
SWO - Squadron Warrant Officer - a parade position not a rank
2IC - second in charge (usually associated with exercises or activities)
WOI - Warrant officer first Class - top cadet NCO rank
WOII - Warrant Officer Second Class - NCO rank below WOI
Zulu Time - another name for Greenwich Mean Time - GMT
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Admin - Administration
AdminO - Administration Officer
Adj - Adjutant - a cadet parade position not a rank
AC - Air cadet
Bush Ex - Bush exercise - Survival Training (not always in the bush)
Capt - Captain
CO - Commanding Officer
Cpl - Corporal - cadet rank
CI - Civilian Instructor
CIV - Civilian Volunteer
CHAP - Cadet Harassment and Abuse Prevention program
CMDR - Commander
CATO - Cadet Administrative and Training Orders
DND - Department of National Defense
Dress - the clothing type worn by cadets - such as full, civilian, summer, ceremonial and combat. Full dress is the complete uniform.
ETA - Estimated time of arrival
EO: - Enabling Objective
F/Cpl - Flight Corporal - Cadet NCO rank
F/Sgt - Flight Sergeant - Senior Cadet NCO rank
Flt - Flight (refers to the parade groups of Griffon, Phoenix or Band)
Flt Comd - Flight Commander - Cadet parade position (Not associated with individual rank)
Flt Sgt - Flight Sergeant - Cadet parade position (Not associated with individual rank)
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time - the Greenwich meridian is the accepted time reference.
HQ - headquarters
Hrs - hours - as in 1400hrs or 2pm
2IC - second in command
IMP - Individual Meal Packet - full meal in a bag, main portion is a boil-in-the bag entree.
LT - Lieutenant
2LT - Second Lieutenant
LHQ - Local headquarters - or local cadet offices
LAC - Leading Air Cadet - a cadet rank
MRO - Monthly Routine Orders
NLT - No later than
NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer - cadets ie: Sgt; FSgt; WOII; WOI
OCdt - Officer Cadet - lowest ranking officer
OIC - Officer in Charge - refers to officer responsible for an event OPI - Office of Prime Importance - Sometimes used in place of OIC or OIC Ex
Pra - prairie - as in Prairie Region
PRCI's - Prairie Region Cadet Instructions
PMV - Personal Motor Vehicle
PO: - Performance Objective
PO: EO: - Performance Objective / Enabling Objective
RO - Range Officer
RSO - Range Safety Officer
RCAC - Royal Canadian Air Cadets
Sgt - Sergeant - cadet NCO rank
Sqn Comd - Squadron Commander - the Senior most cadet in the squadron assigned to the top parade position
SupO - Supply Officer
SWO - Squadron Warrant Officer - a parade position not a rank
2IC - second in charge (usually associated with exercises or activities)
WOI - Warrant officer first Class - top cadet NCO rank
WOII - Warrant Officer Second Class - NCO rank below WOI
Zulu Time - another name for Greenwich Mean Time - GMT